Wednesday, 23 November 2016

10 Chilling Audio Recordings

This album is a collection of rare, fascinating, and chilling audio recordings found on YouTube, with a bit of background information added for context.

I think hearing these events unfold adds an extra degree of reality. These don't usually sound like what we're lead to believe. These recordings correlate with great tragedy, and hearing them unfold sort of brings us closer to what it would've been like to experience them first hand, which is fascinating and humbling.

Be warned. Some of these audio recordings are intense. Once you've heard them, you can't "unhear" them. I've tried to include as much information as reasonably possible to bring closure for those who rather not listen but are still interested in the story.

Upshot-Knothole Annie, Nuclear Weapons Test 1953

Upshot-Knothole Annie, Nuclear Weapons Test 1953 - 10 Chilling Audio Recordings


Although we've all seen the images of nuclear bomb tests, the sound is typically dubbed to match the visual of the initial explosion. This might be the only unedited recording of an actual nuclear explosion in real time. This occurred at the Nevada Test Site in 1953, as part of Operation Upshot-Knothole and part of a series of exercises to help us prepare for the threat of nuclear war.

They also staged a variety of objects to be blasted such as two 2-story houses, 50 automobiles, and 8 different types of bomb shelters at varying distances from the hypocenter to see how they would fair as shelters. Civilians were allowed to watch the test from 11 miles away and it was also nationally televised live.

Annie had a slightly stronger explosive yield than Little Boy, the bomb used in Hiroshima.

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