Friday, 30 September 2016
Interesting Places You Can't/Shouldn't Visit
1. Snake Island
Snake Island is a small island off the coast of Brazil that is so filled with venomous serpents that it's been called one of the world's deadliest islands. Scientists estimate there are about 4,000 snakes, about 1 per square meter, on this island and they are all golden lancehead pit vipers, one of the most venomous snakes in the world. The snakes became trapped on the island when rising sea levels covered up the land that connected it to the mainland. This left the snakes to adapt to their environment. The snake's venom is said to be three to five times stronger than that of any mainland snake. Oh, and it's capable of melting human flesh. The story goes that the last people to live on the island were the lighthouse keeper and his family who were killed by the snakes. Currently, the Brazilian Navy bans civilians from the island, though scientists sometimes receive waivers. Good luck to them...
Thursday, 29 September 2016
20+ Upcoming PC Game Releases for Q4 2016!
Hi! My name is GamerZakh and I make gaming videos on YouTube. If you'd like to see this list in a video version, it's here:
Otherwise, for those that are more inclined towards the noble art of reading and gifs, keep scrolling.
This quarter has an insanely packed lineup for releases and not only do I have 20 PC games for you with some kind of release date set, I have another 8 scheduled for 2016, though those have a higher chance of getting delayed. Either way, all of us are going to have plenty to play on the PC through the end of 2016, so let's get started!
20+ Upcoming PC Game Releases for Q4 2016!
Hi! My name is GamerZakh and I make gaming videos on YouTube. If you'd like to see this list in a video version, it's here:
Otherwise, for those that are more inclined towards the noble art of reading and gifs, keep scrolling.
October to December of 2016 has an insanely packed lineup for releases and not only do I have 20 PC games for you with some kind of release date set, I have another 8 scheduled for 2016, though those have a higher chance of getting delayed. Either way, all of us are going to have plenty to play on the PC through the end of 2016, so let's get started!
24 Awesome Skills to Learn for Free Online
1. Become an Excel expert
Chandoo is one of many gracious Excel experts who wants to share their knowledge with the world. Excel excellence is one of those skills that will improve your chances of getting a good job instantly, and it will continue to prove invaluable over the course of your career. What are you waiting for?
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
300+ Mind Expanding Documentaries (Part I)
1. Life In The Biosphere
1. Home
2. How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth?
3. The Magical Forest
4. Ants: Nature's Secret Power
5. Mt. Everest: How It Was Made
6. Mariana's Trench: The Deepest Spot On Earth
7. Wild Nature: The Last Lions
8. Shining Mountains: The Rockies
9. Grand Canyon: How It Was Made
10. The Intelligence of Plants
19 videos with helpful tricks to impress your friends
fp edit: hey guys
17 Stretches You Should Know
Torso Release
Stretches: The arm and torso.
How: Raise your left arm over your head, then bend your elbow so your left hand drops below your head. Place your right hand behind your left elbow and gently pull your left arm over and down. Repeat with opposite arm.
Get more by: Extending your arms out from your sides and doing arm circles in both directions for 20-30 seconds each.
My compilation of 10 extensions to super-charge your chrome browser
Hover Zoom+
This tool allows the user to hover over a linked thumbnail image and view it in a simple pop-up window. It's quite convenient if you often browse sites such as Reddit, which feature very small thumbnails for large images. The tool will display an image in its native resolution — unless that's larger than your computer screen — and it supports animated formats like GIF and GIFV. It even allows for scrolling through a list of images on Imgur without opening the site.
16 Free Indie Games That Will Give You Feels
1. Loved
Strongly recommend playing. If you do, make sure to play through both possible endings.
Playtime: 6-8 minutes and worth every second
Feels: 11/10
10 free must have apps for your Android device!
Google Opinion Rewards
"Answer quick surveys and earn Google Play credits with Google Opinion Rewards, an app created by Google Consumer Surveys. Download the app and answer basic questions about yourself. We'll then send you surveys around once a week, although it may be more or less frequent. You'll get a notification on your phone when a short and relevant survey is ready for you, and can receive up to $1.00 in Play credits for completing it. Questions can range from, "Which logo is best?" and "Which promotion is most compelling?" to "When do you plan on traveling next?"
Top 10 philosophical ideas everyone should understand
1. Introspection.
Introspection is one of the most fundamental necessities of trying to understand who you are and what your place in the world is. It should be necessary to everyone to explain to themselves in a satisfactory manner a) why they believe in what they believe b) is there a possibility of them being completely and utterly wrong in their conclusions. In addition, being able to examine your own internal process from a non-involved vantage point while it's happening is extremely helpful in creating a complete idea of your self-identity.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
15 Over-Used Movie Poster Clichés
Torture devices from history (OC)
Rat Torture
Game of Thrones fans may recognise this one. A cheap yet effective way to torture someone was with rats. A metal container with a rat inside it was strapped to the restrained victims abdomen, chest, or genitals. The torturer would then gradually heat the container. The rats survival instincts kicked in and they would try to claw their way out through the victims body in order to escape the heat. This process could take several hours.
Friday, 23 September 2016
5 anime with 25- episodes you should watch because i like them very much
1. Eden Of The East (Higashi no Eden)
This is easily my favourite anime of all time and I'd recommend it to anyone even if they didn't like this kind of thing. Eden Of The East combines several genres including romance, mystery, comedy, action, drama and a little bit of what the fuck is going on to create a masterpiece of emotions and loveliness. It's an anime that I think can have a special place in anyone's heart.
Shows from my childhood that I haven't thought about in a long time
Remember when this animation was THE SHIT?! Seeing it for the first time was so impressive and exciting. Something I'll never forget.
Throw in heroes who compete in video games to save the world and what you have is kiddie crack.
Plus, the later seasons when Enzo became all grizzled and badass? So good.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Movies to watch.
Thought it Would Make it Easier to Collect all of them in one Post.
Movies to fuck you up.
Movies to cheer you up.
Mind Twisting Movies.
Movies on Netflix you probably haven't seen yet
Movies on NetFlix
Best of Romance Movies.
Best of World War 2 Movies
Best of World War 1 Movies
Best of Vietnam War Movies
Best of Iraq and Afghanistan War Movies
Best of Comedy Movies
Best of Gangster/Crime Movies
Best of 2015 Movies
Best of Beautiful Drama Movies
Best of disturbing Movies
Best of Dark Movies
Best of Crime Movies
Best of Foreign Language Movies
Best of Biography Movies
Best of Shocking Movies
2015 Films You Might Have Missed
Movies Everyone should see
Time Loop Movies
More Movies to watch
sci-fi Movies
Movies to watch while high
Most of the lists are mine, hope you find this helpful!
favorite for later use.
Swedish Food - Some classic Swedish dishes
Here are some examples of Swedish dishes that I find tasty. Some, if not all of these might also exist in other parts of the world, but all of these dishes are in fact enjoyed here in Sweden. I also know that some of these dishes can be made in very different ways, so don't get mad if I miss some crucial ingredient in some of the descriptions. Enjoy!
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Skyrim Mods to make your Skyrim even more enjoyable.
Here's a tiny wallpaper.
So Skyrim Special Edition is coming out in a few weeks. I'm making this post for people who thought the mods available on Fallout 4 for Xbox were the best of the best , or people who are just looking for some cool new mods to try out. There might be mods from other posts, and that's fine. This is just a must have list based on my personal taste and in no particular order, as well as one or two popular ones that I don't personally use. I'm assuming you know what mods are, and you've played Skyrim before. Also, I am not in anyway being sponsored to post this, I just fucking love Skyrim and its modding community.
X-Men Movie Timeline (Earth-10005, pre-DOFP ending)
Foreword to X-Men Movie Visual Timeline
Hey there, true believers. Again, if you have not seen Days of Future Past yet, I recommend doing so in order to avoid spoilers from this post. I made this visual timeline because like you, I love these movies for what they are. I thought it would be interesting to map out the events of the world that was before Days of Future Past's ending. Hopefully you enjoy looking through this as much as I had fun making it! - Anthony L.
P.S. - My sources for these information are from the movies, along with real life dates. The other two big ones were Empire's Fox Official Movie Timeline which can be found at this link: and the 25 Moments Website which can be found at this link: I also used casting sheets and script descriptions when it came to character ages (only for XO:W and XM:FC).
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Awesome websites to waste time with
In this cool little music website you create and alter little wormy thingys that make music for you. Use the pad on the left to control the notes and the lines along the bottom to alter pitch. The little icons above him will change what kind of sound he makes. Just click on any wormy to edit him and click +add to make more. You can make really cool stuff with this and it's fun to just listen to
Need a movie to watch?
Sci-fi Movies that don't involve Aliens.
Movies With Shocking/Unexpected/Unique Endings
Romantic Comedy Movies That Don't Suck
Movies You Need To Watch
Robin Williams' Best Movies
Great films you might have missed.
Great foreign movies available to stream on Netflix.
Netflix films you should see that you might not have...
Some of the most entertainingly rubbish movies
14 Movies to Watch on a Rainy Day
Visually Stunning Movies (Last 15 Years Or So)
14 Fantasy movies
Horror movies with female leads
Horror/Thriller Films available on Netflix
Horror Film Recommendations
Movies that will leave you devastated
Best Sci fi indie movies from last years
Films you should never watch
The best Netflix movies to watch.
IMDB's TOP 250 Movies avaiable on Netflix
Batman Fan Films Actually Worth Watching
Netflix gems
Netflix underrated movies:
Underrated Movies From The 2000s
Movies Image:
Movie finding service:
Click and Drag GIF
50 of the Most Expensive Items in the World
First list of 25 drowned in UserSub, so we're back with a vengeance: twice as many objects that I will never be able to afford. Enjoy, and send me suggestions for any similar future lists!
Shoutout to @Cocopenguin618 for pointing out the wrong image for the ISS the first time around.
Sports Edition: